
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of The Barley Sheaf Players!
Our success as a community theater is directly proportional to the enthusiasm and participation of our members. We hope you will take advantage of the many opportunities available to you through membership.
Become a member online or by mail.
Visit our Membership Pass Page and purchase the appropriate membership -- Adult, Teen or Youth. Once the purchase is made you will be emailed a special pass code to use, online or by calling our reservation line, to select your show dates and seats for any or all shows.
PLEASE NOTE: We will assume that the membership is for the person making the purchase. If the membership is a gift, as soon as the purchase is made, please email and provide the name(s) of the member for each membership purchased.
By Mail
View and print the Membership Form and mail it to us, along with your payment.
Barley Sheaf memberships are annual: The membership year runs from September through August and dues are pro-rated for members joining mid-year.
Benefits of Membership Include:
One free ticket to each of our regular season shows (excluding our Holiday, Teen, and Children's shows which are not part of the regular season)*
A subscription to our monthly email newsletter, The HamPatter
Eligibility to attend monthly Board of Directors meetings
An invitation to our annual Awards Banquet
Eligibility to participate in our One-Act Festival
Potential to earn eligibility to direct a show (contact our Productions Chairperson for details)
Eligibility to vote at General Membership Meetings (where we choose shows for the next season, elect the Board of Directors, etc.) after being a member for three months
*Member tickets are non-transferable unless you are involved in one of our regular season productions in a capacity that prevents you from seeing the show (e.g., you are part of the cast, stage crew, or band).
We encourage our members to be active in all phases of community theater. Along with the privileges of membership, we also have a duty to keep the theater alive by our participation. We hope you will enjoy us so much that you'll be willing to do more!
Some ways to participate include House Management, Box Office, Ushering, Theater Clean-Ups, Costume Construction, Set Construction, Makeup, etc. If you are not familiar with these areas, don't worry! There are plenty of people willing to take the time to help you discover all of the hidden talents you possess!
For the following statements "The Barley Sheaf Players" includes members of The Barley Sheaf Players, its directors, producers, and others working on the behalf of the activities related to The Barley Sheaf Players including, but not limited to its trustees and board of directors.
By becoming a member of The Barley Sheaf Players you assume all risks associated with participating in and/or attending events hosted by The Barley Sheaf Players, including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, and accidents involving the usage of props and movement on set(s). When you apply for membership you are attesting that you understand these risks and in consideration of accepting your membership application you waive and release The Barley Sheaf Players for all claims or liability of any kind arising from participation in Barley Sheaf events.
As a member you also give The Barley Sheaf Players the absolute and irrevocable rights to use your name, quotes and photos on the internet , in print publications, video and multimedia presentations, or for any purpose which may include, but not limited to display, public relations, marketing, or designs.
By signing and submitting the paper membership form, or by completing a purchase of a membership online, whether for yourself or on behalf of a minor, you are agreeing with and consenting to the above statements, and you are giving The Barley Sheaf Players the right to use the member's name, quotes and photos for any purposes without further approval.